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Showing posts with the label happiness ~ Free Training Friday is a website that is partnered with LinkedIn skills training. The first month is free and then there is a subscription fee to continued access to the hundreds of courses. And while the cost to get increased job skills isn't too expensive there is a way to get it for free.  Step 1: Go to and instead of signing in with LinkedIn click on sign in with your organization log in  Step 2: Next sign in with your school or library URL enter organization URL Step 3: Log in with your library number and pin  library log in credentials Step 4: Gain access to hundreds of courses and learning paths for no cost! training library Not all libraries and organizations are affiliated with so this may not work for all libraries. I am a member of the San Diego library so I am luckily able to have access to the training library. 

Sharing big news with eBay sellers - Up & Running Grants announcement!