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The Last Blockbuster - Netflix ~ Work Life Balance

The last blockbuster movie poster If you are like me and grew up in the 80s and 90s, you for sure went to a video store. You walked down the aisles, you read the video covers and you decided on which movie was going to entertain you for the night or the weekend. Some of the movies were great, others not so much. But it was a form of entertainment that has gone away due to streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime.  But one Blockbuster still remains in the town of Bend, Oregon, and this documentary talks all about it. From the opening frame, I was taken back to a time when I was a young and broke teen that craved something for entertainment. I can remember the layout of my local blockbuster and the smells and the sounds. It was always fun walking up and down the aisles stalking the perfect movie for the night. And this movie was able to capture that feeling.   So if grew up in the time before streaming movies, you will enjoy the nostalgia of visiting the last blockbuster. And if